Calls for Papers and Panels
War and Revenge
Dr. Martin Göllnitz, Marburg University
Prof. Dr. Dr. Frank Jacob, Nord Universitet
Emotions often determine the path towards conflict as well as the actual war itself. The wish for revenge is a central element in this emotion-driven relationship and often impacts the views of the combattants, but also the experience of the victims of violence during wars. The memory and the respective commemoration of a violent past is thereby also very often determined by a sense or wish for a supposedly necessary form of revenge. The interrelationship between war and revenge is therefore an important subject for a more detailed anaylsis.
The legal concept of ‘retribution’ plays a central role in the thematic field of ‘war and revenge’ and often represented a key legitimisation strategy for atonement measures. By claiming the right to ‘atone,’ i.e. to punish, it was possible for the actors to feel that they represented a power that claimed the right to establish a new order. Violence was thus based on a ‘subjective sense of action,’ which was intended to ensure stability and at the same time appeal to a socially widespread, metaphysically anchored sense of justice. Damage was to be inflicted on the opponent in at least the same way or with the same effect as that for which the opponent himself was responsible. This gave retaliation a dynamic factor: by reversing the responsibilities, justifying one’s own violence with a threat and interpreting it as preventive self-defence, one’s own de-limitation of violence could be declared legitimate and necessary.
For a volume in Brill/Schöningh’s series War (Hi)Stories ( this call, which is open with regard to time period and geographical region, is directed towards scholars at any career level who work on revenge and war in all possible related contexts, including, but not limited to, the following aspects and questions:
- Revenge and the path to war: Which role does revenge play with regard to pre-war politics and strategic war plans? How does the wish for revenge create a certain legitimation for war?
- How is revenge and violence during war actually legitimized? Which narratives or strategies are applied to justify retaliatory or penal measures of extreme violence?
- How does the sense of revenge determine the relationship between perpetrators and victims in a war related context?
- How is revenge related to the memory and commemoration of war as well as a possible element in the preparation of the next violent conflict?
The Military History of the Declaration of Independence
March 1, 2025
The Center for the Study of Tennesseans and War and the University of Tennessee Department of History announce a one-day symposium on the military history of the Declaration of Independence to be held March 1, 2025. The event will take place at the University of Tennessee. In addition to presentations, there will be a catered lunch and a keynote address. We also plan to publish the proceedings in an edited collection.
As the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence approaches, it is important to remember that this foundational document was written during a war. The Seven Years’ War, the Proclamation of 1763, settlers’ westward expansion, and Native American resistance shaped the contours of the Declaration specifically in this line item pertaining to George III's tyranny: "He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions." British naval impressment, an early modern cold war between Great Britain and France, nearby naval bases, and naval manning problems all influenced the writing of this additional reference to George III’s despotism: “He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.” Hessian auxiliaries, British military occupation, naval bombardments, civilian casualties, “Quartering large bodies of armed troops,” and standing armies were all cited in the Declaration as evidence of “the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.” The Declaration was, in large part, a Congressional war measure. It was meant to convince potential allies overseas and fence-sitters at home that the British government had devolved into a tyranny.
We seek individual proposals to fill eight 20-minute sessions. Each session will be followed by 10 minutes for audience questions. We encourage individual proposals from established scholars, ABD graduate students, and others on the topics mentioned above and additional military dimensions of the Declaration of Independence.
Please submit a 200-word abstract and a CV by email by October 1, 2024, to Dr. Chris Magra, Director of the Center for the Study of Tennesseans and War:
Travel and accommodation costs cannot be covered, but no registration fee is required. A list of available lodging will be provided to the authors of successful proposals.
For more information on the Center for the Study of Tennesseans and War, please see our website:
Cryptologic History Symposium
April 30 - May 2, 2025
The Center for Cryptologic History (CCH) and the National Cryptologic Foundation (NCF) invite proposals for papers and posters to be presented at the 19th Cryptologic History Symposium on April 30 - May 2, 2025. The Symposium will be held in-person at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab Kossiakoff Center in Laurel, Maryland on Wednesday, April 30 - Thursday, May 1, 2025. Following the Symposium, attendees will be given an opportunity to tour the recently renovated National Cryptologic Museum on Friday, May 2, 2025 and learn about resources available through the National Cryptologic Museum Library. Attendees may also want to consider attending the NCF general membership meeting which will precede the Symposium at the Kossiakoff Center on Tuesday, April 29, 2025.
CCH and the NCF reserve the right to modify or cancel the Cryptologic History Symposium, including a hybrid in-person/virtual event, or an all-virtual platform with a potentially abbreviated program fi warranted.
The theme for the 2025 Cryptologic History Symposium is "Engage the Past - Educate the Future." From antiquity to the present, rigorous scholarship and technological innovation have advanced the science and art of cryptology. This rich heritage is told through stories of the people, technology, and events that have propelled cryptologic history and catalyzed innovation. Their stories can provide context to past events, a better understanding of the present, and a path toward a more secure future.
All topics relevant to the history and application of cryptology are welcome, and in particular its
intersection with signals intelligence, cybersecurity, technological innovation, and national security. An
interdisciplinary approach si encouraged, as are submissions from those who are new to the field, including students. Abroad perspective will ensure the variety and diversity of exchange that has been a tradition of this symposium.
Since 1990, the Cryptologic History Symposium has served as an opportunity to present historical scholarship found in unclassified and declassified cryptologic records and engage in discussion about their significance to history. The event is an occasion for historians and those interested in history to gather for reflection and debate on relevant and important topics from the cryptologic past. Regular speakers include historians from CCH, the Intelligence Community, the defense establishment, the military services, scholars from American and international academic institutions, veterans of the cryptologic profession, graduate and undergraduate students, and noted authors. Past symposia have featured scholarship that sets out new ways to consider our cryptologic heritage. The conference provides many opportunities to interact with leading historians and other experts. The mix of practitioners, scholars, and interested observers guarantees a lively debate that promotes an enhanced appreciation for past events and their applicability to current and future issues.
Proposals MUST be unclassified. Those who have a lifetime obligation of prepublication review are responsible for ensuring their proposals and associated presentations/posters have had the appropriate reviews. Proposals for single presentations or full panels (two to four speakers) are welcome. CCH staff will form panels from single presentations with the goal of putting like topics together. Presenters should be prepared to speak for approximately 15-20 minutes; proposals for a longer time slot should include a strong justification and will be considered, but not guaranteed.
Proposal packages should include the following:
- A title
- An abstract of no more than 500 words
- The amount of time required for the presentation; fi longer than 20 minutes, please provide a justification (not applicable for poster presentations)
- A150-word biographical sketch for each speaker, which wil be used ni the published program Ful contact details of the speakers) (address, email, telephone number)
- Optional: ACV or resume for the speakers) that includes relevant publications and presentations
Center for Cryptologic History (CCH)
Suite 6886, ATTN: Symposium Committee 9800 Savage Road
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755
Proposals received after September 5, 2024 wil be considered on a space-available basis. CCH will notify you about the final status of your proposal by December 12, 2024, but may contact you for discussion before that date. fI accepted, all slide decks and other technology requirements must be submitted to CCH by April 21, 2025.
Estimated Costs
Registration fees for the 2025 Symposium have not been finalized at this time, but for planning purposes the fees in 2019 (the most recent in-person event) were as follows. A modest increase is anticipated for 2025. Speakers and attendees may register for only one day or both days (April 30 - May 1, 2025):
Registration Rate Category
Standard: $70/day
Student (with student ID): $35/day
Speaker - Non-US Government Employee: $0 on speaking day; Standard or Student rate on additional day
Speaker - US Government Employee: Standard or Student Rate each day
The daily registration fee includes lunch plus morning and afternoon refreshments on April 30 - May 1, 2025. Admission to the National Cryptologic Museum on May 2, 2025 is free to al attendees, but no lunch or refreshments will be provided on that day.
Registration for the NCF general meeting on April 29, 2025 is handled separately through the NCF. See for details of their meeting.
There is no sponsored event hotel and CH cannot make lodging or transportation recommendations for out-of-town attendees. Lodging and transportation arrangements are the responsibility of each attendee. Questions should be directed to Melissa Mann or John Tokar at or 301- 688-2336.
About the Center for Cryptologic History (CCH)
The National Security Agency (NSA) established the Center for Cryptologic History in 1989. CCH keeps history alive by enhancing the knowledge and decision-making abilities of the Intelligence Community (IC). A critical asset, the CCH provides a historical and objective account of cryptologic history for the NSA, IC, Department of Defense, other government agencies, academia, and the general public. At the CCH, we believe learning from the past can help improve future decision making and strengthen the public's understanding of cryptology's role in national security.
‘Rethinking Concepts, Terms and Topics’
The 4th International Conference of the Military Welfare History Network
July 9-11, 2025 at the University of Graz, Austria
Approaches to military history and the history of war welfare have changed fundamentally in recent decades. They shifted from a focus on event history, the depiction of predominantly operational levels, the monopolisation of military meanings or discourses of legitimation to innovative approaches to a cultural history of armed conflicts, which are particularly influenced by Social History, the History of Mentalities, Body or Gender history. This also applies in particular to the analysis of military welfare and care practices from a historical and social science perspective, which has undergone a fundamental reorientation in recent years, not least as a result of current care ethics debates.
The fourth international conference of the Military Welfare History Network, which will take place for the first time at the University of Graz (Austria) in 2025, aims to explicitly focus on the theoretical, conceptual and research-practical dynamics associated with this reorientation. The conference aims to reflect about these changes in studies of care and welfare practices in military contexts and to discuss older and new concepts and their implementation in research. Referring to a problem-orientated approach, an explicitly interdisciplinary and trans-epochal orientation will be taken.
The aim of the MWHN conference is therefore to critically examine the effects of theoretical and conceptual perspectives as well as the productive applicability of (new) methods and concepts on different dimensions:
· the macro-level (state-national, transnational or global relations and networks, civil society and corresponding symbols, norms and orders etc.)
· the meso-level (such as the history of institutions and organisations as well as interdependencies between economic, political, societal, cultural and military issues)
· the micro-historical relationships (self-testimonies, personal identities, biographies etc.) in war care and welfare practices
Discourses, socio-cultural negotiation processes, the distribution of and access to socio-cultural resources, covert or overt power relations and hegemonies that form their background should be addressed as well as dimensions of experience and, in general, research desiderata and gaps in previous scientific approaches.
Submissions with either a theoretical-methodological or conceptual focus or empirical case studies are welcome. In both cases, the submitted contributions should address both levels (albeit with different emphases). In this way, the exchange of concepts and perspectives, mutual interaction possibilities and the intended discursive character of the conference should be promoted.
In particular, the following topics can be addressed:
· Vulnerability | Trauma | Violence
· Belongings | Identities | Interdependencies | Diversity | Social entanglement
· Spaces | Boundaries | Transgression
· Body | Sexuality | Gender
We request submissions to by November 30, 2024. Individual papers or panels of three papers plus commentary can be submitted. Each paper abstract should be a maximum of 250 words and should be accompanied by a 50-word biography. Panels should also include an additional ‘panel abstract’ of up to 250 words.
Travel and accommodation costs cannot be covered, but travel grants for Postgraduate Researchers and Early Career Researchers can be awarded subject to available funds. The Graz organisation team will also assist with travel and accommodation arrangements.
Conference Team
Heidrun Zettelbauer (Graz / History – Cultural and Gender History)
Viktoria Wind (Graz / History – Cultural and Gender History)
Sabine Haring- Mosbacher (Graz / Sociology – Archive for the History of Sociology in Austria)
Sabine Jesner (Vienna / Military History Institute – Military History Museum)
Paul Huddie (MWHN Co-ordinator)
The Cold War Midwest
The journal Middle West Review seeks proposals for articles and essays for a special symposium exploring the various dimensions of the Cold War era Midwest. Topics may include, but are not limited to, Midwestern attitudes toward extensive American involvement in foreign affairs during the Cold War decades; the development of military bases and the installation of nuclear weapons in the Midwest; the role of ethnic groups from the captive nations in domestic politics (Poles, Hungarians, Ukrainians, etc); the experience of Midwesterners in the US military who served in Cold War zones; Midwestern heavy industry and the creation of the American arsenal; the influence of Cold War imperatives on the Civil Rights movement (i.e. the Brown decision); the role Midwestern diplomats such as George Kennan; political leaders skeptical of Cold War interventionism such as Robert Taft and John Bricker; the Vietnam war and the Midwest; Midwestern patriotism in a Cold War context; Midwestern conservatism and its role in American anti-Communism; campus protests and the Midwest; the role of Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin and similar anti-Communist political leaders; the role of groups on the progressive left and opposition to Cold War policies; the culture of the Cold War and domesticity; civil defense and bomb shelter construction; anti-Communist churches and religious leaders in the Midwest; the movement of Southeast Asian refugees to Iowa and Wisconsin and other Midwestern places; how the Cold War was experienced differently in the Midwest than other regions; the influence of religion in the Midwest during the Cold War era; films and literature which connect the Cold War and the Midwest.
300-word proposals along with a vita should be sent to Middle West Review at by October 15, 2024. If a proposal is accepted for inclusion in the special symposium, final articles would be due by October 15, 2025.
Fort Ticonderoga Seminar on the American Revolution
September 19-21, 2025
In 2025, Fort Ticonderoga continues our multi-year commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution. Fort Ticonderoga seeks to explore both the local and global events of the Revolutionary War, through new exhibits, programs, and our innovative REAL TIME REVOLUTION™ interpretive experience.
In 2025, the museum’s rotating exhibition, A Revolutionary Anthology, will display more material from Fort Ticonderoga’s unparalleled collection to explore the breadth of the revolutionary experience through its material culture. Begun in 2024, the contents of this exhibition change annually to reflect a series of interpretive themes focusing on aspects of the Revolutionary era, its participants, events, and repercussions.
The 2025 installation explores the theme of Subjects, Citizens, Service. The Revolutionary War was the longest armed conflict in American history until the 20th century, and war shaped all the nations involved. Existing armies expanded and new armies sprung into being, calling thousands directly into military service. People on both sides of the Atlantic made decisions when, and if, to enter the military, and many millions of others had loved ones, friends, or family members who served on all sides of the conflict in various ways. Terms of service varied based on culture and politics and evolved during the war in ways that shaped how nations and individuals understood and interacted with military service in ways that still have meaning today.
The Fort Ticonderoga Museum seeks proposals for our 21st annual Seminar on the American Revolution. We encourage papers from established scholars, graduate students, and others related to the theme Subjects, Citizens, Service, and are especially interested in papers that engage with the variety of interactions between people and military institutions across the Revolutionary world.
Sessions are 30 minutes in length followed by 10 minutes for audience questions. Fort Ticonderoga may provide speakers with partial travel reimbursement. Please submit a 300-word abstract and CV by email by September 30, 2024, to Richard M. Strum, Director of Academic Programs:
The Second World War Research Group, North America (SWWRGNA) is dedicated to promoting scholarly work on the long global Second World War. We have some slots open for chapter- or article-length (unpublished) work to present at our monthly Zoom reading group in 2024-2025. Those who are interested in presenting or who would like to join the SWWRGNA should contact the co-directors Mary Kathryn Barbier and Jadwiga Biskupska at All topics and methodologies on the history of the war, and graduate students, independent, and military-affiliated scholars are always welcome.
Home Front Studies is calling for article submissions. Published by the University of Nebraska Press, this interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal explores the concept of the home front, broadly considered, in times of war, civil war, and similar conflicts from the late nineteenth century to the present day. Its interests include the roles of art, discrimination, finance, gender, identity, literature, music, morale, propaganda, race, and/or sexuality as experienced by civilians on home fronts in locations around the world. Its interdisciplinary editorial board is open to submissions from across the humanities.
All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not under review elsewhere. HFS welcomes manuscripts of up to 9,000 words, inclusive of endnotes. Prepare contributions in accordance with the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, using humanities-style endnote citations.
HFS uses Editorial Manager to process submissions at this page: Please direct any questions about manuscripts in development to the journal’s editor, James J. Kimble (
Theme issue for American Behavioral Scientist titled:
"A Sampling of Pre-Internet Networked Operations"
We are soliciting essays for a survey of 1960s military operations such as: COINTELPRO (US); CHAOS (US); Phoenix (Vietnam); Condor (in South America); ORDEN (El Salvador); Jakarta (Indonesia); OBAN (Brazil) and other operations, both inside and outside the US. These operations networked societies prior to the advent of the Internet. Authors are requested to include whatever information they can cite regarding how evident or non-evident the communication equipment was that supported these operations; what the operations consisted of in terms of staffing and hardware; what the operations were used for; and, how much the operations contributed to social and financial inequality and political polarization, in the populations they monitored.
Research article proposals are requested for an issue of American Behavioral Scientist guest edited by Noel Packard Ph.D. and Dr. Bradley Simpson, professor of history and author of Economists with Guns: Authoritarian Development and U.S.-Indonesian Relations, 1960-1968. The issue is entitled: "A Sampling of Pre-Internet Networked Operations"
The full Call for Papers can be found at
If interested, please submit an abstract of 250 words describing your longer essay (5,000-10,000) words and a brief bio to Noel Packard, by 1 October 2024. Full drafts of accepted papers will be due by November 1, 2024.
Tentative Timeline:
- November 1, 2024: Deadline for submission of draft essays.
- December 1, 2024: Authors of selected articles are notified of acceptance.
- March 1, 2025: Authors receive peer reviews.
- Early September 2025: Authors submit revised manuscripts
- December 2025: American Behavioral Scientist publishes issue entitled "A Sampling of Pre-Internet Networked Operations"
For more information, please send questions to Noel Packard at .
Announcing a New Series from Naval Institute Press
Studies in Marine Corps History and Amphibious Warfare
William A. Taylor, Series Editor
This series advances understanding of Marine Corps history and amphibious warfare by publishing original scholarship across a broad spectrum of innovative studies. The series analyzes an extensive array of vital aspects of the Marine Corps, amphibious warfare, and their collective role in global security, including battles, leaders, strategy, operations, tactics, doctrine, technology, personnel, organization, and culture. Incorporating both historical and contemporary perspectives, this series publishes important literature about the Marine Corps and significant works relevant to amphibious warfare that span the globe, feature diverse methodologies, and reach general audiences. As a result, the series provides a professional home, central venue, and premier destination for the best and newest research on Marine Corps history and amphibious warfare.
William A. Taylor is the holder of the Lee Drain Endowed University Professorship, previous department chair, and award-winning professor of global security studies at Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas. A graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, he holds an MA degree in history from the University of Maryland, an MA degree in National Security Studies from Georgetown University, and MPhil and PhD degrees in history from George Washington University. Taylor is the author or editor of four books, including Military Service and American Democracy (University Press of Kansas) and Every Citizen a Soldier (Texas A&M University Press).
Send inquiries and proposals to
New Series – Vernon Press Series in Classical Studies
Vernon Press invites proposals on the history, literature, art, philosophy, political or social structures, religion, languages, or archaeology of the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations for its new Series in Classical Studies.
The classics are the earliest branch of the humanities, with a long history of scholarly value, but the field continues to evolve. The past two decades have seen exciting developments in key research areas, especially material culture, reception studies and gender studies. The books in this series will examine such growth areas, while also being open to more traditional approaches.
Comprising edited volumes, co-authored books and single-author monographs, the series will be useful for senior researchers, scholars and practitioners with an interest in this field of study, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students.
To receive more information about submitting a proposal or to discuss your idea, please contact James McGovern:
Information also available on:
From Balloons to Drones
Established in 2016, From Balloons to Drones is an online platform that seeks to provide analysis and debate about air power history, theory, and contemporary operations in their broadest sense including space and cyber power. Air power is to be understood broadly, encompassing not only the history of air warfare, including social and cultural aspects but also related fields such as archaeology, international relations, strategic studies, law and ethics.
Since its emergence during the First World War, air power has increasingly become the preferred form of military power for many governments. However, the application and development of air power is controversial and often misunderstood. To remedy this, From Balloons to Drones seeks to provide analysis and debate about air power through the publication of articles, research notes, commentary and book reviews.
From Balloons to Drones welcomes and encourages potential submissions from postgraduates, academics, and practitioners involved in researching the subject of air power. Submissions can take the following forms:
- Articles – From Balloons to Drones publishes informative articles on air power that range from historical pieces to the analysis of contemporary challenges. These well-researched articles should attempt to bridge a gap between the specialist and non-specialist reader. They should be around c.1,000 to 1,500 words, though From Balloons to Drones will accept larger pieces and we reserve the right to publish them in parts.
- Air War Books – From Balloons to Drones publishes a series of review articles that examine the top ten books that have influenced writers on air power.
- Commentaries – From Balloons to Drones publishes opinion pieces on recent news on either contemporary or historical subjects. These should be no longer than c.1,000 words.
- Research Notes – From Balloons to Drones publishes research notes related to contributor’s current research projects. These take the form of more informal pieces and can be a discussion of a source or a note on a recent research theme. These should be c.500 to 1,000 words.
- Book Reviews – From Balloons to Drones publishes occasional book reviews that aim to be an accessible collection of appraisals of recent publications about air power.
Submissions should be submitted in Word format and emailed to the address below with ‘SUBMISSION’ in the subject line. Also, please include a 50-100 word biography with your submission. References can be used, and please be careful to explain any jargon. However, if you are not sure if your idea fits our requirements, then please email us with ‘POTENTIAL SUBMISSION’ in the subject line to discuss.
If you are interested in contributing, please email our editor, Dr Ross Mahoney, at or visit our webpage here:-
International Bibliography of Military History
of the International Commission of Military History
Published by Brill (Leiden and Boston)
In existence since 1978, the International Bibliography of Military History (IBMH) has traditionally published historiographical articles, review articles, and book reviews. Since its recent move to Brill, however, it has been undergoing a transformation into a fully-fledged military history journal. As a next step in this process, the portfolio will be enlarged to include also original research articles.
The IBMH thus invites scholars to submit articles on any military historical topic that can appeal to an international readership, e.g. a topic involving more than one nation and, preferably, based on multi-archival research. There is no chronological limitation. The journal publishes articles ranging from antiquity to the contemporary period, as long as the research method is historical.
The articles should be based extensively on primary research, not have been published in another form or outlet, and not currently be considered by another journal. The submitted work should be between 8,000 and 10,000 words (including footnotes), and be thoroughly referenced. For further information on style and referencing, please visit the journal’s website.
Submitted articles will – after a first editorial screening – be sent out for peer-review (double-blind). This process, from submission to decision, normally takes six to eight weeks. Please submit your article directly to the Scientific Editor, Dr Marco Wyss (, who is also available for any potential preliminary queries.
The Council on America’s Military (CAMP) past is calling for papers for its Journal. We welcome submissions of interesting, original articles on American military history, especially topics that deal with significant sites (which could include installations, battlefields, ships and airplanes). We also welcome articles on biography and historic preservation, especially if they are related to particular sites. Maps and photos are strongly encouraged. We ask that authors submit manuscripts by e-mail to our editors, using a system that is compatible with Microsoft Word. The length of the articles that we publish varies roughly between 2,500 and 7,500 words. The author is responsible for obtaining permission to publish any copyrighted material, and for bearing the costs of obtaining or reproducing illustrations. Interested parties should refer to the CAMP website or contact the editor, Vincent Rospond at
A non-profit educational association, CAMP was founded in 1966, representing diverse professions from historians to archeologists, museologists to architects, engineers to authors, active and retired military of all ranks, genealogists to archivists, and just plain hobbyists, the Council on America’s Military Past has only one requirement for membership: commitment to its objectives.
Its focus is on the places and things from America’s military past, and their stories. CAMP looks to all types of military and naval posts, from stockade forts of early New England to adobe presidios of the Southwest, from temporary camps and battlegrounds of a military on the move, to elaborate coastal defense installations along America’s coastlines. For CAMP, old ships and airplanes are also posts.
The Journal of America’s Military Past is a scholarly publication with interesting, illustrated articles on historic posts and battlefields and their people. The journal includes a robust book review section that, by itself, makes it worth reading. It is published three times a year.