Journal of Military History
Vol. 81, No. 4
October 2017
Jeffrey Grey Memorial Issue
Editor’s Introduction - pp. 983-84
“Climate, Environment, and Australian Frontier Wars: New South Wales, 1788–1841,” by John Connor, The Journal of Military History, 81:4 (October 2017): 985-1006
From the establishment of the colony of New South Wales at Sydney in 1788, British soldiers and settlers fought a series of wars against Australian Aboriginal warriors to occupy land for farming and grazing. Rainfall in Australia is highly variable due to the influence of five external climate drivers, including the El Niño Southern Oscillation. This article argues there is a strong correlation between the onset of drought in the inland region of south-eastern Australia and the outbreak of armed conflict in the period from 1824 to 1841. This article argues that this approach of comparing climate data and records of conflicts can be extended to other regions and time periods in Australia, and in other regions of the world affected by similar climate drivers.
“The Real Controller of the Battle: The Importance of Studying Tactical Battalion Command—A Case Study,” by William Westerman, The Journal of Military History, 81:4 (October 2017): 1007-38
This article examines the command of the 22nd Australian Infantry Battalion during the 1918 Hundred Days campaign of the First World War as a means both to explore the nature of decentralised command at battalion level and to demonstrate what can be gained by exploring an understudied level of the army’s organisation. It explores the degree to which “command and control” was delegated to the battalion commander for planning and executing operations. The article demonstrates how decentralised command and control functioned in late 1918, as a moderately successful if awkward and inconsistent process.
“Coco Solo Submarines: Protecting the Panama Canal, 1941–1942,” by Michael Sturma, The Journal of Military History, 81:4 (October 2017): 1039-57
As with most U.S. submarine operations in the Atlantic during the Second World War, those off the Panama Canal have been ignored by historians. This is not difficult to understand given that the main battles fought by submariners in the Canal Zone, as documented here, were against the deficiencies of their boats rather than the enemy. Despite the undoubted importance of the Canal to the war effort, the heavy demands for U.S. submarines elsewhere meant that those boats assigned to Coco Solo tended to be the most decrepit. While submarine patrols off the Panama Canal may have contributed to a greater sense of security, they contributed little tangible against the enemy. Nevertheless, these patrols helped to train significant numbers of men for the burgeoning submarine service and laid the groundwork for the later success of some submarine commanders. By highlighting some of the shortcomings of air patrols off the Canal, they possibly contributed to more effective air defences as well.
“Australian–New Zealand Relations and Commitments to Asian Conflicts 1950–1972,” by Ian McGibbon, The Journal of Military History, 81:4 (October 2017): 1059-74
Although bound together by geographical location, historic ties, and cultural affinity, Australia and New Zealand have often had a fraught relationship. Participation in a British security framework mitigated the effects of the imbalance in size between the two countries. But New Zealand’s efforts to assert itself within this system encouraged a competition in patriotism with Australia over commitments to wars up to the Korean War. When the British framework weakened, New Zealand hesitated to seek a similar status within its alliance with the United States. Far from competing with Australia, it resisted pressure to commit troops to the U.S.-led effort in South Vietnam, only to find itself increasingly being dragged along by its trans-Tasman neighbor.
“Colonel E. G. Keogh and the Making of the Australian Army Journal,” by Russell Parkin, The Journal of Military History, 81:4 (October 2017): 1075-96
Scholarly soldiers are rare in Australia, but not totally absent. Following World War II, Eustace Graham Keogh made a significant contribution to Australian military literature as the founding editor of the Australian Army Journal. He also authored a series of campaign studies used in officer promotion examinations. Keogh’s contributions to professional education and military history in Australia have, until recently, been forgotten. This paper provides a sketch of his career and an assessment of his role in the intellectual history of the Australian Army in the immediate postwar period, a time when the Army was undergoing momentous change.
“The Formation of the Commonwealth Division, 1950–1951,” by Jeffrey Grey, The Journal of Military History, 81:4 (October 2017): 1097-1107 [Reprint: Military Affairs 51:1 (January 1987)]
Historiographical Note:
“The Books that Influenced Jeff Grey,” by Peter Dennis, The Journal of Military History, 81:4 (October 2017): 1109-12
“The Books that Influenced Jeff Grey,” by Peter Dennis, The Journal of Military History, 81:4 (October 2017): 1109-12
Book Reviews: Books by Jeffrey Grey
The War with the Ottoman Empire. The Centenary History of Australia and the Great War, vol. 2, by Jeffrey Grey, reviewed by Glyn Harper and by Matthew Hughes, 1113-17
1911: Preliminary Moves. The 2011 Chief of Army History Conference, edited by Peter Dennis and Jeffrey Grey, reviewed by Samuel R. Williamson, Jr., 1117-18
Raise, Train and Sustain: Delivering Land Combat Power, edited by Peter Dennis and Jeffrey Grey, reviewed by Roger Cirillo, 1119-20
1917: Tactics, Training and Technology, edited by Peter Dennis and Jeffrey Grey, reviewed by Peter Simkins, 1120-21
The Australian Army and the Vietnam War, 1962–1972: The Chief of Army Military History Conference, edited by Peter Dennis and Jeffrey Grey; The Anzac Experience: New Zealand, Australia, and Empire in the First World War, by Christopher Pugsley, reviewed by Allan Converse, 1121-23
The Last Word? Essays on Official History in the United States and British Commonwealth, edited by Jeffrey Grey, reviewed by John M. Carland, 1123-24
The Australian Army, by Jeffrey Grey; The Royal Australian Air Force, by Alan Stephens; The Royal Australian Navy, edited by David Stevens; Making the Australian Defence Force, by David Horner; The Department of Defence, by Eric Andrews; Australian Defence: Sources and Statistics, by Joan Beaumont et al; An Atlas of Australia’s Wars, by John Coates, reviewed by Michael McKernan, 1125-29
Australia’s Vietnam War, by Jeff Doyle, Jeffrey Grey, and Peter Pierce, reviewed by Roberto Rabel, 1129-30
The Australian Army, by Jeffrey Grey, reviewed by Roger J. Spiller, 1130-32
The Boer War: Army, Nation, and Empire. The 1999 Chief of Army/Australian War Memorial Military History Conference, edited by Peter Dennis and Jeffrey Grey; To Fight for the Empire: An Illustrated History of New Zealand and the South African War, 1899–1902, by John Crawford with Ellen Ellis, reviewed by James B. Thomas, 1132-33
A Military History of Australia, by Jeffrey Grey, reviewed by W. David McIntyre, 1133-34
The Oxford Companion to Australian Military History, by Peter Dennis, Jeffrey Grey, Ewan Morris, and Robin Prior, with John Connor, reviewed by Allan R. Millett, 1134-35
Book Reviews: General
Italy 1636: Cemetery of Armies, by Gregory Hanlon, reviewed by Suzanne Sutherland and by Lucia Staiano-Daniels, 1137-39
The Campaigns of Sargon II King of Assyria, 721–705 B.C., by Sarah C. Melville, reviewed by Trevor Bryce, 1140-41
Praetorian: The Rise and Fall of Rome’s Imperial Bodyguard, by Guy de la Bédoyère, reviewed by Michael Lovano, 1141-43
Insurgency and Counterinsurgency: A Global History, by Jeremy Black, reviewed by Matthew O’Gara, 1143-44
Representing War and Violence 1250–1600, edited by Joanna Bellis and Laura Slater, reviewed by Craig M Nakashian, 1145-46
Chivalry and the Ideals of Knighthood in France during the Hundred Years War, by Craig Taylor, reviewed by Samuel A. Claussen, 1147-48
Martial Laws and English Laws, c. 1500–c. 1700, by John M. Collins, reviewed by Jason C. White, 1148-50
Culloden: Scotland’s Last Battle and the Forging of the British Empire, by Trevor Royle, reviewed by John Leazer, 1150-51
Manufacturing Independence: Industrial Innovation in the American Revolution, by Robert F. Smith, reviewed by Solomon K. Smith, 1151-53
Otho Holland Williams in the American Revolution, by John Beakes, reviewed by Daniel Sauerwein, 1153-54
The Saratoga Campaign: Uncovering an Embattled Landscape, edited by William A. Griswold and Donald W. Linebaugh, reviewed by Thomas M. Barker, 1155-56
Guibert: Father of Napoleon’s Grande Armée, by Jonathan Abel, reviewed by Michael J. Hughes, 1156-58
Glorious Victory: Andrew Jackson and the Battle of New Orleans, by Donald R. Hickey, reviewed by James S. Humphreys, 1158-60
Preparing for War: The Emergence of the Modern U. S. Army, 1815–1917, by J. P. Clark, reviewed by Bobby A. Wintermute, 1160-61
Middle Kingdom & Empire of the Rising Sun: Sino-Japanese Relations, Past and Present, by June Teufel Dreyer, reviewed by Ming Wan, 1162-63
Nemesis: The First Iron Warship and Her World, by Adrian G. Marshall, reviewed by Pradeep Barua, 1163-64
An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846–1873, by Benjamin Madley, reviewed by Turk McCleskey, 1164-65
The Religious Life of Robert E. Lee, by R. David Cox, reviewed by John H. Matsui, 1166-67
Lincoln’s Generals’ Wives: Four Women Who Influenced the Civil War––for Better and for Worse, by Candice Shy Hooper, reviewed by Lindsey R. Peterson, 1167-69
The Rivers Ran Backward: The Civil War and the Remaking of the American Middle Border, by Christopher Phillips, reviewed by Eric Michael Burke, 1169-71
A More Civil War: How the Union Waged a Just War, by D. H. Dilbeck, reviewed by Jason Phillips, 1171-73
Occupied Vicksburg, by Bradley R. Clampitt, reviewed by Eric Paul Totten, 1173-75
Hitler’s Ostkrieg and the Indian Wars: Comparing Genocide and Conquest, by Edward B. Westermann, reviewed by Catharine R. Franklin, 1175-76
How States Pay for Wars, by Rosella Cappella Zielinski, reviewed by Jari Eloranta, 1176-78
Innocence Slaughtered: Gas and the Transformation of Warfare and Society, edited by Jean Pascal Zanders, reviewed by Albert J. Mauroni, 1178-79
Churchill and the Dardanelles, by Christopher M. Bell, reviewed by David French, 1180-81
The AIF in Battle: How the Australian Imperial Force Fought, 1914–1918, edited by Jean Bou, reviewed by Augustine Meaher, 1181-82
British Art and the First World War, 1914–1924, by James Fox, reviewed by Jennifer Wellington, 1182-84
Treacherous Passage: Germany’s Secret Plot against the United States in Mexico during World War I, by Bill Mills, reviewed by William E. Kelly, 1184-85
Sister Soldiers of the Great War: The Nurses of the Canadian Army Medical Corps, by Cynthia Toman, reviewed by Caroline D’Amours, 1185-87
Pershing’s Crusaders: The American Soldier in World War I, by Richard S. Faulkner, reviewed by Larry A. Grant, 1187-89
The First World Oil War, by Timothy C. Winegard, reviewed by Brandon Wolfe-Hunnicutt, 1189-90
America’s Dream Palace: Middle East Expertise and the Rise of the National Security State, by Osamah F. Khalil, reviewed by Ralph Hitchens, 1190-92
Playing War: Wargaming and U.S. Navy Preparations for World War II, by John M. Lillard, reviewed by Corbin Williamson, 1192-93
The Historical and Political Context of the Tokyo War Crimes Trial: Assassination and Terrorism in Japan and the Transformation of Japan’s International Image, by Richard H. Mitchell, reviewed by Fred L. Borch III, 1194-95
The Red Army and the Great Terror: Stalin’s Purge of the Soviet Military, by Peter Whitewood, reviewed by Robert Dale, 1195-96
Queen and Country: Same Sex Desire in the British Armed Forces, 1939–1945, by Emma Vickers, reviewed by Stephen Neufeld, 1196-98
A European Anabasis: Western European Volunteers in the German Army and SS, 1940–1945, by Kenneth W. Estes, reviewed by Mirna Zakić, 1198-1200
Black’s War: From New Brunswick’s 8th Hussars to California’s Corlett’s “Long Knives” 1941–44, edited by Larry Black and Galen Roger Perras, reviewed by Christopher M. Rein, 1200-1
Pariahs Among Pariahs: Soviet-Jewish POWs in German Captivity, 1941–1945, by Aron Shneyer, reviewed by Ethan J. Hollander, 1201-3
The First Victory: The Second World War and the East Africa Campaign, by Andrew Stewart, reviewed by Oliver Coates, 1203-5
Alamein, by Simon Ball, reviewed by Melissa Jordine, 1205-7
Stalin’s World War II Evacuations: Triumph and Troubles in Kirov, by Larry E. Holmes, reviewed by Peter Whitewood, 1207-8
The Lost Eleven: The Forgotten Story of Black American Soldiers Brutally Massacred in World War II, by Denise George and Robert Child, reviewed by Anna Marie Anderson, 1209-10
Honor before Glory: The Epic World War II Story of the Japanese American GIs Who Rescued the Lost Battalion, by Scott McGaugh, reviewed by Geoffrey W. Jensen, 1210-11
WASP of the Ferry Command: Women Pilots, Uncommon Deeds, by Sarah Byrn Rickman, reviewed by Kevin Bemel, 1211-13
India at War: The Subcontinent and the Second World War, by Yasmin Khan, reviewed by David A. Campion, 1213-14
A History of the Greek Resistance in the Second World War: The People’s Armies, by Spyros Tsoutsoumpis, reviewed by André Gerolymatos, 1215-16
D-Day Remembered: The Normandy Landings in American Collective Memory, by Michael R. Dolski, reviewed by R. Daniel Pellerin, 1216-18
Operation Market Garden. The Campaign for the Low Countries, Autumn 1944: Seventy Years On, edited by John Buckley and Peter Preston-Hough, reviewed by Kory Miller, 1218-19
Patton’s Way: A Radical Theory of War, by James Kelly Morningstar, reviewed by Ethan S. Rafuse, 1219-20
Great Men in the Second World War: The Rise and Fall of the Big Three, by Paul Dukes, reviewed by Anthony J. Minna, 1220-22
The Life and Work of General Andrew J. Goodpaster: Best Practices in National Security Affairs, by C. Richard Nelson, reviewed by Jeffrey J. Matthews, 1222-24
The Good Occupation: American Soldiers and the Hazards of Peace, by Susan L. Carruthers, reviewed by Tom J. Arnold, 1224-25
Film is Like a Battleground: Sam Fuller’s War Movies, by Marsha Gordon, reviewed by John C. McManus, 1226-27
Churchill and the Bomb in War and Cold War, by Kevin Ruane, reviewed by Isabel Campbell, 1227-28
Soviet Leaders and Intelligence: Assessing the American Adversary during the Cold War, by Raymond L. Garthoff, reviewed by Barbara Walker, 1228-30
Storming the City: U.S. Military Performance in Urban Warfare from World War II to Vietnam, by Alec Wahlman, reviewed by Dan Bisbee, 1230-32
Military Service and American Democracy, from World War II to the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, by William A. Taylor, reviewed by Marvin Fletcher, 1232-33
Weapon of Choice: Small Arms and the Culture of Military Innovation, by Matthew Ford, reviewed by Bryon Greenwald, 1234-35
Losing Binh Dinh: The Failure of Pacification and Vietnamization, 1969–1971, by Kevin M. Boylan, reviewed by Michael A. Nelson, 1235-37
The War for Africa: Twelve Months that Transformed a Continent, by Fred Bridgland, reviewed by Frank Kalesnik, 1237-38
Defeat is an Orphan: How Pakistan Lost the Great South Asian War, by Myra MacDonald, reviewed by John H. Gill, 1238-40
Us Versus Them: The United States, Radical Islam, and the Rise of the Green Threat, by Douglas Little, reviewed by George Michael, 1240-42
Caravan of Martyrs: Sacrifice and Suicide Bombing in Afghanistan, by David B. Edwards, reviewed by Carter Malkasian, 1242-43
Equal Opportunity Peacekeeping: Women, Peace, and Security in Post-Conflict States, by Sabrina Karim and Kyle Beardsley, reviewed by Kristin L. Hissong, 1244-45
MOTION PICTURE REVIEW: Underfire: The Untold Story of Pfc. Tony Vaccaro, directed by Max Lewlowicz, reviewed by Frank J. Wetta, 1246
INDEX TO VOLUME 81: 1262-88